Easy Installation of WIO LTE Board
IoT boards are increasingly used in home made projects as well as professional solutions. recently I had a project involving the use of one of the IoT commercial solutions, which is Wio LTE Cat.1 from Seeed.
In this article we will have a quick Installation guide followed by series of examples in the near future.
1- At the beginning, connect the board using the micro through the micro USB port to the USB port in the computer.
1- A) Download the Processor Driver from the following link
B) Install the Driver
C) Access the driver location on the program file and install it.
Here there are two drivers’ categories, one for windows 7 and the other for windows 8. Inside each one there are 32 bit and 64-bit editions.
The choice should be compatible for the computer specification (Blue square choices are for windows 10/ 64-bit edition).
1- A) Download Zadig.exe from the link below
B) Turn the board to DFU mode by pressing Boot and Rest once and together. If you are watching the Device manager window, you will notice some changes.
C) load options and chose STM32 BOOTLOADER and be asure of WinUSB selection as in the figure, then install the driver.
D) Press BOOT and RES to go out of DFU mode.
1- A) Install Arduino IDE.
B) go to preferences and paste the following link
then press ok
C) go to Tool-Boards-Boards manager then click
D) in the search bar, write Seeed then install the board. The number of the board is the same as for the one in device manager (when the board is NOT in DFU mode)
E) from Sketch-Include Library- Add Zip file; add the library ( Wio_LTE_for_Arduino-2.5.0.zip ).
Be Assure that all the showed libraries are installed.
With this last picture , you secessfully installed WIO LTE.